Being Together in Time

 Rhythm…..a word whose meaning you feel with your entire body. This word is actually within you. It is in your blood. You feel it in your heart beat. You feel it every time you dance, sing and express yourself creatively within a harmonious environment.

Where does “rhythm” come from, though? “Rhythm” comes from the verb “Reo” (ΡΕΩ) meaning “I flow”. It is not by chance that the Reno and Rhine rivers in Europe begin with the letter “R”, because this letter denotes “flux”. 

This is even shown in the word “ORA” (ΩΡΑ) meaning “Hour” and/or “Time”, in languages such as Italian (ora), Spanish (hora), Portuguese (hora) and Greek (ΩΡΑ, pronounced "ora"). 

As noted in previous articles, the ancient Greeks paid very close attention to the structure of words through letters and their respective sounds, because this way they would understand the world around them, including the creation of the human and the human physiology. 

They perceived the “alphabet” as an infinite circle where the beginning (Alpha) was the end (Omega), and the end (Omega) was also the beginning. That is why the word Omega ends with an Alpha letter, in order to show that beginning and end are in fact the same thing, where the beginning mirrors the end, and the end shows the beginning within this infinite circle. That is also why they called it Alpha-Omega and NOT alphabet. 

Therefore, through this Alpha-Omega circle, they created words, meanings, concepts and more. They based the entire Greek civilisation on this Alpha-Omega circle, where this circle flows and rotates in both clockwise and counterclockwise ways, creating infinitely the written and spoken communication of the language. 

However, it should be noted – as shown above – that the letters were 27 in total (now we have only 24), with two different Alpha and Omega symbols.

The main Alpha and Omega symbols (letters) are the following:

From the seven sides of each symbol (letter), all the remaining in-between letters were created as shown concisely below:

Note: To learn more about the creation of the 27 letters, you may read more here.

These two main Alpha and Omega symbols are found in the Meander Art of the ancient Greek civilisation shown below:

However, what all of this has to do with the words “rhythm” and “time” mentioned at the beginning of this article?

Because now it is the “Time” to re-store and re-vive this ancient knowledge. Only this way, we will be able to realise how true Democracy works and what actually true Democracy is. Because, Democracy existed before humanity. Because, Democracy exists in the entire universe. Our universe and entire cosmos are Democracy itself. 

The word “Democracy” basically means “Municipal” (Demo) “Power” (cracy). It means that people  organized within municipalities  carry the main power in order to live and create in a healthy environment with laws, rules, values and principles. It is exactly how our body functions harmoniously, where the cells as basic units of life, form and structure our body. We, the humans, are the basic units of Democracy. True Democracy cannot function properly if there are laws and rules that promote injustice within a society, supported by corrupted governments and politicians. Same thing applies to our body, which cannot function properly if there is a health problem found somewhere within our body. 

However, “Democracy” what essentially means is this: The “Power” (cracy) to “Create” (Demo). “Demo” comes from the word “demiurge” which means “creator”. 

And in order to have the power to create, you have to live within a healthy environment where everything has its rightful position, including you - the human. Within this healthy enviroment everything flows (R) from Alpha (Α) to Omega (Ω) and from Omega to Alpha, like the hours (ΩΡΑ/ORA) in a clock.

However, in order for a clock to function properly, everything (absolutely everything) has to be in its correct position. Even if a small screw within the body of the clock is in a wrong position or missing, then this may cause a huge problem in the entire system of the clock.

12 hours......Why 12? And what is 12?

12 is regarded as a number. In the Greek language, the word "number" is "arithmos" as in the word "arithmetic". "Arithmos" means the "rhythm" (rithmos) of your beginning (Alpha), your values, your principles which are the A-xis point of your true Democracy. 

Democracy has in its very core 12 Values, and those are:

These 12 Values correspond to the 12 Gods of Olympus in this way:
Logic - Zeus (his other name is Dias)
Freedom - Hera
Virtue - Artemis
Justice - Athena
Equality - Hermes
Abundance - Demeter
Truth - Apollo
Aesthetics - Aphrodite
Harmony - Hephaestus
Valour - Ares
Eudaimonia - Hestia
Know Thyself - Poseidon

The word "God" is translated as "Theos" into the Greek language, as in the word "theosophy", meaning the wisdom (sophy) of God (theos). However, if we rotate the first syllable of the word "theos" which is "the", then we will have the word "ethos", namely "ethics" and "moral principles". Imagine this rotation of the first syllabe happening very fast, from left to right and right to left; clockwise and anticlockwise rotations happening simultaneously, where "theos" becomes "ethos" and vice verca. This means that the 12 Values become the Olympian Gods and vice verca, where you (the human) are in the center of all of this:

Besides this, we also see an equality occuring at the same time between the male and the female humans through the 6 female Olympians (Hera, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Aphrodite and Hestia) and the 6 male ones (Zeus, Hermes, Apollo, Hephaestus, Ares, Poseidon). 

Six equals six within a perfect and spherical mirror of Equality and Balance that flows (R) and R-otates within its dodecahdral structure, since 6 plus 6 equals 12.

But again....why 12? What is 12? 

12 are the systems within our body: respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, urinary, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, endocrine, lymphatic, nervous, reproductive and immune systems, where all of the them interconnect to each other like our 12 Values. You cannot have Justice without Logic and vice verca. You cannot have Freedom without Valor and vice verca, you cannot have Virtue without Truth and so forth. 

Everything is connected; like our cells that create our body with Harmony and Equality; like us that we create our world within our Dodecahedron Cosmos:

You may read more here about the dodecahedral structure of our universe :

And here:

Why 12?

Because everything is 12, where every part within our world mirrors another part perfectly with its dodecahedral structure. 

You have these 12 Values within you, and when you see your fellow brothers and sisters, you see your own self. You see your entire universe, which is you!! 

Now it is the Time (ORA) to acknowledge this. Only this way, you will have the "power to create". Otherwise, everything falls apart. And we see this every single day within our today's world, characterized by corruption, injustice, lies, illogical actions, disharmony, ugliness, fear, poverty, inequality.....namely a world against our 12 Values. 

Look yourself into the mirror and see what you need to do to fix this. Inside the mirror, you will see your fellow human who needs your help; who is different from you but also same as you.

Like the 7 notes of our Music:

Do you see the same vowels in the image above? Do you also see the different consonants? Do you realise that we are all different but same, at the same time (ORA)?? It is like Alpha and Omega mirroring each other. 

Like your left hand with your right hand; different but same. Your left ear with your right ear....different but same, simultaneously, with perfect balance and harmony. 

As soon as we all acknowledge this (know thyself), we will then be able to create with power, Valour, Logic, Virtue preserving the Freedom, Justice and Truth in our world.

All of this is Democracy itself.

Two years ago, I knew nothing of this. A person re-minded all of this to me; a person who wrote thousands of pages during his 2.5 years of imprisonment in the Korydallos prison in Greece. He has written about politics, Democracy, Justice, our Cosmos and even about Music (the image above comes from a book that he wrote about the seven notes of music).

His name is Artemis Sorras.

Specifically, he wrote a book about the dodecahedral structure of our Cosmos, where this specific structure is re-flected within the human physiology, forming true Democracy as well.

The name of this Cosmos is Cosmos 600, formed with 12 pentahedron pyramids that create the dodecahedron, as illustrated above.

Everything within our Cosmos flows and rotates like a clock with its 12 hours, where every hour contains 60 minutes and every minute contains 60 seconds; like the earth itself that rotates around the sun. Even us as humas, we consist of carbon-12 containing 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons.

Nothing has been created out of luck. Everything has been created with Logic. Look yourself into the mirror and you will see everything. 

Therefore, this person through the numerous pages that he wrote inside the prison, he showed me the pathway of true knowledge and told all of us to share this knowledge to our fellow humans, regardless of the language that they speak and the country that they live in. Because, we are humans after all. 

After his release from prison a week ago (November 21st), he continues to write and share the knowledge of Logic, Freedom, Virtue, Justice, Equality, Abundance, Truth, Aesthetics, Harmony, Valour, Eudaimonia and Know Thyself. 

The book of the Cosmos 600 has been translated into English and is available here:

Everyone can download it for free, because knowledge is always free!

Now it is the time (ORA) for you to know too!

Great respect to this human called Artemis Sorras who wrote all of this for all of us.

You may find more in the following website:


It is the time for all of us to learn the true history about politics, because history means the "rhythm" (ry) of the tissue (histo)

Everything runs within your blood

Re-member who you truly are!

Two hands exist within a clock, showing the exact position of Time. Unite your own hand with the hand of your fellow human, and take a stand for Justice and Truth, like Hercules fought with his 12 Labours. 

Just like Alpha and Omega, Being Together in Time!

TEDxGöteborg - Gustaf Gredebäck - The Mirror Neuron System: Understanding Others as Oneself

Unite we Stand, Divided we Fall! 

Excerpt from the opening ceremony of the 2004 Olympic Games




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